The following disclosure is a consumer protection legislation under ‘Credit Repair Organizations Act’ (CROA), SEC 405.
Know Your Rights Defined By State and Federal Law
Consumer Credit File Rights Under State and Federal Law Section 405 of the CROA Credit Reporting Organization Act regulates credit repair companies' behavior to protect consumers from any misleading business practices.
Know & Protect Your Rights
Protect yourself from bad business practices by understanding how CROA works and provides you your rights.
Right To Dispute Any Inaccurate Information Present In Your Credit Report
You can directly communicate with the credit reporting agencies to remove the negative or false information on your credit report. Bear in mind, neither you nor any credit repair company or organization holds the right to remove or modify the accurate, current, and verifiable information from your credit report. The credit bureau can remove accurate, negative information from your report, provided it has crossed the 7 years limit. Apart from this, you can report Bankruptcy information for 10 years.
Right To Obtain A Copy Of Your Credit Report From A Credit Bureau
You are entitled to get a free copy of your credit report even if you have been rejected for credit, employment, insurance, or a rental dwelling. It has to be done within the preceding 60 days, in case you find a reason to believe that there is inaccurate information in your credit report due to fraud. The credit bureau you choose to get the credit report from must help you understand the information in your credit file.
Right To Sue A Credit Repair Agency That Violates The Law
If a credit repair company or a credit repair violates your CROA rights, you may be able to sue in Federal court for your actual damages. You can also report to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the FTC and your state Attorney General, and file a suit in your state when credit bureaus and other companies fail to comply with the CROA.
Right To Cancel A Signed Contract Within 3 Business Days
The organization cannot charge you a fee for this cancellation when it falls within the specified time frame. Ensure your contract include a Notice of Cancellation form that you can fill out and return when canceling the contract.
Right To Dispute The Inaccurate Information In Your Credit File
You can notify a credit bureau in writing that you dispute the information's accuracy in your credit file and ask for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your report. The credit bureau is responsible for reinvestigating and modifying or removing inaccurate or incomplete information without charging any fee for this service. You have to copies of all documents concerning any error and any pertinent information to the credit bureau.
If you are not satisfied with the credit bureau's investigation, you can send a brief statement to the credit bureau to be kept in your file, with an explanation of why you think the record is inaccurate. The credit bureau must keep the summary of your statement about disputed information with any report it issues about you.
The Federal Trade Commission regulates credit bureaus and credit repair organizations. To get more information contact:
The Public Reference Branch
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, D.C. 20580'.